Why is it that we get super pumped up and make these grand proclamations or resolutions if you wish for change and by the end of the year we are about ready to die and curse the year, like Job's wife told him to do to God? It's because we really didn't change! We became hasty in our need to give up instead of trusting God! This year I am determined to change with the Lord's help, because if I'm being honest, if I left it up to me I wouldn't make it past January. In my determination to change I'm gonna hit 3 main hotspots, my personal life, my spiritual life and my thought process. Yes thought, because if I have to worry one more time about being accepted, what people thought of me or trying to please someone other than God I mind as give up now, seeing that there's ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS someone who will never accept you, never see you in a positive light and will never be satisficed. So this year I am making the decision to change, hold me accountable if you like and the better I'll be for it. The power of a decision could change your life, it could change the world. Get excited and stay excited, don't let anyone steal your joy! Make a plan and stick to it, if you falter as most do including myself, then get back up and don't quit! I mean it, I had planned to have this blog up and ready for you at the stroke of midnight to bring in the new year, things happen, things are always gonna happen, its how we react when they do happen. That's why you're reading this now half though the day because I was not going to let myself slide when I told you I would have it and because I am a changed woman now who keeps her word even if its to herself. So before you go babbling off at the mouth about resolution this and resolution that, really think about what you want to come from this year, it's only a decision, Wow how strong the power of a decision can be! So again for all to hear, this year in 2021, Ketra L. Williams is DETERMINED TO CHANGE!!!!
#IAMDETERMINED #HappyNewYear #JustBeingKetra #ThoughtProcess #Resolution #NewYearsResolution #God #TrustGod #ItsOnlyADecision #Determined #Midnight #GetAPlan #Accountable #StayExcited #CantStealMyJoy #MakeAChange #Year2021